Friday, April 20, 2007

The third season of Veronica Mars sucks.

I've been super lazy this week and have basically dedicated my entire week to watching the first season of Veronica Mars on DVD. I was introduced to this stellar series by my sister, and, like the developmentally equivalent to a 14 year old that I am, I love it. It is a pretty smart show, actually.

Too bad it's going to get canceled. But, really, the third season sucks. It lacks the depth and creativity of the first two seasons. Veronica, who's always been a bit prickly, is turning into an unsympathetic b****. And Logan needs speech therapy.

I've pretty much decided that I'm going to pretend that the show ended after the first two seasons. But I need to stop watching, or I'll fail my Ob-Gyn shelf.

1 comment:

Leslie Hutchins said...

I love your blog!!!! Thanks for the sweet comment!!!