Thursday, July 26, 2007


I am wrapping up my first rotation of fourth year, newborn nursery, and it has been AWESOME. Babies are so cute...and they are all so different and interesting. I've learned so much about jaundice, baby rashes, breastfeeding, the million reasons why little ones breathe too fast, and so much more. I also get to speak Spanish every day, and I'm more and more grateful that I learned how to speak it. I still pick up new words every day, of course. I also had the experience of working with interns, residents, fellows and attendings who were super nice, brilliant, and really helped me learn. On deliveries, the interns let me do all the basic steps (as long as the baby was doing okay)...I won't be nearly as intimidated when I'm thrown in that situation next year!

Speaking of next year...I'm definitely doing pediatrics. I feel such a peace and excitement about it. Kids just warm my heart, and I love working with pediatricians. I get all warm and fuzzy just thinking about my future. Right now I'm thinking general pediatrics in an academic setting (I'm a total nerd) in a place where there are a lot of Hispanic folks.

Hanging out with babies also makes me want to get married and have kiddos of my own...kind of soonish. But considering I'm not even dating anyone right now, that might be a long time coming. We'll see. I'm hopeful, in the sense that I do realize somewhere in my weak little heart, that God does have plans for my life...regardless of what happens in the marriage and family department.

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