Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Great day!

So...I've had an awesome day. I'm post call from my first call on my subinternship on pediatrics (so, really tired). More on that later...I'm having a great time and at the same time feeling kind of dumb. There is SO much that I don't know!

What really made my day is that, thanks to my roommate and the wonders of Bluetooth, the theme song from "The Office" is now my ringtone on my cell phone. Awesome! Gosh, I'm such a dork.

Even one call on my subinternship during which I did not work nearly as hard as my intern gave me a taste of how hard intern year is going to be. Worth it, absolutely. But it's going to be hard.

Hopefully by the end of this month I'll have some idea of what to do with my patients....

1 comment:

Leslie Hutchins said...

I bet your doing better than you give yourself credit for!!! Those kiddos are lucky to have you as their MS4!!!! Hope all is going welll with you! Best of luck with your rotation.