Monday, March 23, 2009

It's so nice to have time to think.

I've had a pretty front loaded year. It's exciting, this whole learning how to be a doctor by running around like crazy taking care of patients (and maybe running myself into the ground at the same time!), but it's frustrating not having time to think about my patients. To sit and ponder what's going on with them, the complexities of their social situations, what I may be missing. On the wards, it's just admit, admit, code, transfer, discharge, admit, admit. This month I'm on outpatient, which may not be as thrilling in the traditional way (a lot of ear infections and strep throat and colds) but having time to think is so...luxurious. I love it. (OK, I also love sleeping eight hours a night.) It makes me realize that I probably am best suited to a "thinking" subspecialty, or maybe general peds.

Working 45-50 hours a week is fantastic. I feel like an normal person!

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